42 research outputs found

    Novel design and concepts for biopsy in navigated bronchoscopy

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    Bronchoscopy is a minimally invasive intervention with a low risk of complications. If CT-images show suspicious lesions, there may be a need to take a sample of tissue for a definitive diagnosis with a biopsy tool, such as biopsy forceps, cytology brush or transbronchial needles. The success rate of biopsy procedures performed with bronchoscopy is low, i.e. they do not provide a decisive diagnosis and there is often a need for repetitive biopsies. Using an ultrathin bronchoscope and navigation systems will increase the diagnostic yield of a biopsy, from approximately 63% to 73-80% for solitary peripheral lesion > 2 cm. This thesis presents a novel design concept for a biopsy tool and a new step for the biopsy procedure in order to solve some of the challenges and limitations of sampling lung lesions, particularly in the peripheral parts of the lung

    “Clinical Stability” and Propensity Score Matching in Cardiac Surgery: is the clinical evaluation of treatment efficacy algorithmdependent in small sample size settings?

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    Background: Propensity score matching represents one of the most popular techniques to deal with treatment allocation bias in observational studies. However, when the number of enrolled patients is very low, the creation of matched set of subjects may highly depend on the model used to estimate individual propensity scores, undermining the stability of consequential clinical findings. In this study, we investigate the potential issues related to the stability of the matched sets created by different propensity score models and we propose some diagnostic tools to evaluate them. Methods: Matched groups of patients were created using five different methods: Logistic Regression, Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging, Random Forest and Generalized Boosted Model. Differences between subjects in the matched sets were evaluated by comparing both pre-treatment covariates and propensity score distributions. We applied our proposal to a cardio-surgical observational study that aims to compare two different procedures of cardiac valve replacement. Results: Both baseline characteristics and propensity score distributions were systematically different across matched samples of patients created with different models used to estimate propensity score. The most relevant differences were observed for the matched set created by estimating individual propensity scores with Classification and Regression Trees algorithm. Conclusion: Clinical stability of matched samples created with different statistical methods should always be evaluated to ensure reliability of final estimates. This work opens the door for future investigations that fully assess the implications of this finding

    Rosacea: aspetti clinici, diagnostici e terapeutici

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    Exploring High-Precision Non-Assembly Mechanisms: Design of a Vitrectome Mechanism for Eye Surgery

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    A vitrectome is a commonly used instrument in eye surgery, which is used to cut and aspirate the vitreous body out of the eye. The mechanism of the vitrectome consists of miniature components that need to be assembled by hand due to their size. Non-assembly 3D printing, in which fully functional mechanisms can be produced in a single production step, can help create a more streamlined production process. We propose a vitrectome design based on a dual-diaphragm mechanism, which can be produced with minimal assembly steps using PolyJet printing. Two different diaphragm designs were tested to fulfill the requirements of the mechanism: a homogenous design based on ‘digital’ materials and a design using an ortho-planar spring. Both designs were able to fulfill the required displacement for the mechanism of 0.8 mm, as well as cutting forces of at least 8 N. The requirements for the cutting speed of the mechanism of 8000 RPM were not fulfilled by both designs, since the viscoelastic nature of the PolyJet materials resulted in a slow response time. The proposed mechanism does show promise to be used in vitrectomy; however, we suggest that more research into different design directions is required

    Design of an ultra-thin steerable probe for percutaneous interventions and preliminary evaluation in a gelatine phantom.

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    Needles with diameter under 1 mm are used in various medical applications to limit the risk of complication and patient discomfort during the procedure. Next to a small diameter, needle steerability is an important property for reaching targets located deep inside the body accurately and precisely. In this paper, we present a 0.5-mm prototype probe which is able to steer in three dimensions (3D) without the need of axial rotation. The prototype consists of three Nitinol wires (each with a diameter of 0.125 mm) with a pre-curved tip. The wires are kept together by a stainless steel tube. Each wire is clamped to a block which translates along a leadscrew, the rotation of the latter being controlled by a wheel connected at the distal end of the leadscrew. The tip bends upon retraction of one or two wires. When pushed through a soft solid structure (e.g., a soft tissue or soft tissue phantom), the probe deflects due to off-axis forces acting on its tip by the surrounding structure. We tested the performance of the prototype into a 10% wt gelatine phantom, in terms of the predictability of the steering direction and the controllability of the final position after steering inside the substrate. The results showed that the probe steered in the direction of the retracted wire and that the final position varied from small deflections from the straight path when the wires were slightly retracted, to sharp curvatures for large wire retraction. The probe could be used in various applications, from cases where only a small correction of the path in one direction is needed to cases where the path to be followed includes obstacles and curves in multiple directions


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    In literature many different therapies are proposed to treat Monilethrix, but a definitive therapy still doe not exist. We decided to treat four patients affected by Monilethrix, with topical minoxidil 2%, 1 ml night and day for 1 year. Minoxidil led to a an increase of normal hair shaft without any side effects in all the patients. Therefore topical minoxidil 2% could be considered a good therapy to treat Monilethrix